Most humble
Martin de Porres, whose burning charity embraced not only
thy needy brethren, but also the very animals of the field,
splendid example of charity, we hail and invoke thee! From
that high throne which thou dost occupy, deign to listen to
the supplications of thy needy brethren that, by imitating
thy virtues, we may live contented in that state in which
God has placed us, and, carrying our cross with strength and
courage, we may follow in the footsteps of our Blessed
Redeemer and His most afflicted Mother, to reach at last the
Kingdom of Heaven through the merits of our Lord Jesus
Christ. Amen.
O God, Who
hast given us in Thy Humble Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, the
model of all virtue and perfection, grant to us the virtue
of humility. We think so little of Thee because we are so
full of self. We cannot love Thee more until humility shows
us our own nothingness and makes us rejoice in our complete
dependence upon Thee.
Thou hast given to the
world a glorious apostle of humility, St Martin de Porres.
Guide us by his example and strengthen us through his
intercessions in our efforts to conform our hearts to the
humble Heart of Thy Crucified Son.
Renew, O Lord, in these
days, when pride and forgetfulness of Thee are so
widespread, the wonders which Thou didst perform through Thy
humble servant, Martin de Porres, during his lifetime. We
pray that all the world may know of St Martin and of the
surpassing value of the virtue of humility. Through the
same Christ our Lord. Amen.
In this pain
and sadness which weighs me down and for which I can find no
human support, I turn to you, St Martin. Be my friend and
my protector and intercede for me with our merciful Father
in heaven. Ask that my sins be forgiven and that I may be
freed from the evils which burden and distract me. Give me
your spirit of sacrifice that I may welcome whatever God
sends me for love of Him who makes all things a means of
O Heavenly Father, in the name of your Son and of His
Blessed Mother, and by the merits of your faithful servant
Martin, help me in my great trouble and do not forsake me. Amen.
Well done, thou good and faithful servant; because thou hast
been faithful over few things, I will make thee ruler over
many things, saith the Lord.
Pray for us, St Martin de Porres.
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray. O God, the
exalter of the humble, Who didst make St Martin, Thy
confessor, to enter the heavenly kingdom, grant through his
merits and intercession, that we may so follow the example
of his humility on earth as to deserve to be exalted with
him in heaven. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
(Invocation to be said when applying the St Martin relic,
picture or medal to the sick, or when held in the hand by
those who are in need.)
In the name of the
Most Holy Trinity,
In the name of Jesus Christ, the Son of God,
In the name of Mary, Queen of Heaven,
In the name of Joseph, Patron of the Universal Church,
St Martin, cure (help) me (him, her)
For the honour and glory of God
And the salvation of souls.
St Martin
imitated our Lord, Who was meek and humble of heart. There
was no pride or vanity in his soul. He knew that God is our
Creator and that we are but His creatures. He understood
that God loves us as children and only wants us to be happy.
So he submitted entirely to the Holy Will of God. Let us
all imitate St Martin by humbly doing the Will of God in all
Let us pray. O humble St
Martin, ask our Lord to give us the grace of true humility
that we may not be puffed up with foolish pride, but may be
contented with the gifts that God gives us. Obtain for us
the light of the Holy Ghost that we may understand, as you
did, that pride is a deceit of the devil and that only by
doing the Will of God can we be truly happy. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin’s
whole soul was filled with God’s love. He knew that
Almighty God sent His Only Son into the world to suffer and
die on the Cross for our sins. His heart was stirred with
deep affection for so loving a Redeemer, and his whole life
gives evidence of his sincere gratitude. May we, too, learn
to love our Saviour more and more and show our love by our
good works.
Let us pray. O St
Martin, why are our hearts so cold and lacking in love for
the Son of God, Who became a little Child for our salvation?
Why are we so slow to love One Who loved us so much that He
gave His life for mankind? Ask God to make us realise that
the only way to happiness is by loving and serving Him with
all our hearts and souls. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin was
called “the Father of the Poor”. He saw in the poor, the
sick and the dying the children of God, and he helped them
in a thousand practical ways. He studied medicine so that
he might know how to cure the sick. Every day he
distributed alms to the poor. He built an orphanage for
children. Let us imitate the charity of St Martin that God
may bless us as He blessed him.
Let us pray. Dear St
Martin, teach us to be generous with the gifts that God has
given us. Make us sympathetic towards those who are
suffering and afflicted. Pray to our Redeemer and to Our
Lady of Mercy that our hearts may not be hardened by sin and
selfishness, but that we may always be kind and generous to
our neighbours because they are the children of our Heavenly
Father. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin had
a lively faith in all the teachings of the Catholic Church
because he knew that it was founded by Jesus Christ, the Son
of God, Who can neither deceive nor be deceived. God
rewarded St Martin’s humble faith by enlightening his mind
that he might believe the mysteries of our Holy Religion.
May God give us the grace always to believe the truths
which He has revealed.
Let us pray. O glorious
St Martin, we need strong faith in God and His Holy Church,
especially in these days when so many people have turned
against religion. Bring to a knowledge and love of the true
Church the non-Catholic members of your race that they may
find the way to salvation and happiness. Ask God to make us
faithful soldiers of Jesus Christ in life and in death.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin
firmly relied on the goodness and promises of God. He hoped
through the grace of God, and the merits of Jesus Christ one
day to obtain an eternal reward. We know that St Martin’s
trust in God was not in vain. We, too, are confident that
God will forgive us our sins if we are truly sorry
and that He will give us everlasting life if we serve Him
faithfully by obeying His commandments.
Let us pray. St
Martin, help us to have a great trust in Almighty God. Make
us understand that He is One Friend who will never desert us
as long as we are true to Him. Keep us from foolishly
presuming that we will be saved without doing our part, but
keep us also from despair, which forgets the mercy of God.
Ask the Child Jesus to increase in our hearts faith, hope,
and charity. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin kept
his mind and heart always lifted up to the Creator of all
things. His prayer came from the depths of his soul. He
constantly turned to God to adore Him, to thank Him, and to
ask Him for help. St Martin prayed with humility and
perseverance, and God was pleased to answer his prayers in
miraculous ways. He will pray for us before the Throne of
God in Heaven.
Let us pray. St Martin,
help us to realise that Christ meant what He said when He
promised: “Ask, and it shall be given you: seek, and you
shall find.” Make us faithful in attending Holy Mass and
other devotions. Remind us to say our daily prayers to
obtain the blessing of God. Ask the Queen of the Most Holy
Rosary to obtain for us a share of the treasures of the Holy
Rosary. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin was
a brave man. He was not afraid of hard work. He did not
weakly seek for comforts as we often do. Even though he
laboured so hard, he was glad to do severe penances for his
sins and for the salvation of souls. If so holy a man did
penances, how much more should we, who have seriously
offended Almighty God by our sinfulness!
Let us pray. St Martin,
from you we learn how to be courageous and valiant. From
your life we learn to avoid idleness and self-seeking. Give
us some of that spirit of penance which you had, so that we
may be brave in the struggle with temptation. Ask Jesus
Crucified to give us the grace to fight the good fight for
victory. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin died
a holy and peaceful death. He had spent his life in doing
good as a humble Lay-Brother of the Dominican Order. But he
that humbleth himself shall be exalted. Soon his heroic
life became widely known, and Pope John XXIII solemnly
proclaimed Martin de Porres a Saint of God. Let us rejoice
that we have such a noble brother among the Saints of God in
Let us pray. Dear St
Martin, you have been raised up by Almighty God to show us
the way to our true home. You have given us the good
example and the encouragement that we need. We know from
your life that to win the reward of glory we have but to
love and serve the Best of Masters. May we ever be humble
that we, too, may be exulted unto everlasting life. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
St Martin
performed many miracles during his life and after his holy
death. We can go to him with confidence for he will grant
our petitions if they are for the good of our souls. His
heart is very big, and he loves to help us, he is kind in
every way. We have only to tell him our troubles and to ask
him to help us. If we do our part we can be sure that our
dear friend St Martin will do his.
Let us pray. O Lord
Jesus Christ, Who didst inflame the heart of St Martin with
an ardent love of the poor and Who didst teach him the
wonderful joy of true humility and the wisdom of accepting
God’s Holy Will, grant that, like him, we may be ever truly
humble of heart and full of Christ-like love for suffering
humanity. Deign, we beseech Thee, that, by imitating the
holy life and enjoying the powerful help of this saintly
Negro, the whole world may be drawn nearer to Thee, the
Saviour of the human race. Who livest and reignest, with God
the Father, in the unity of the Holy Ghost, God, world
without end. Amen.
Say one Our Father, ten
Hail Marys & one Glory Be.
(For private
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, have mercy on us
Lord, have mercy on us
Christ, hear us
Christ, graciously hear us
God, the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us
God, the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us
God, the Holy Ghost, have mercy on us
Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us
Holy Mary, Queen of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us
St Martin, ever in the presence of God, pray for us
St Martin, faithful servant of Christ, pray for us
St Martin, lover of the Holy Eucharist, pray for us
St Martin, devoted to our Blessed Mother, pray for us
St Martin, spiritual patron of Americans, pray for us
St Martin, raised from the depths to a heavenly mansion,
pray for us
St Martin, honoured son of St Dominic, pray for us
St Martin, lover of the Most Holy Rosary, pray for us
St Martin, apostle of mercy, pray for us
St Martin, winged minister of charity, pray for us
St Martin, miraculously conveyed to far-distant lands,
pray for us
St Martin, freed from the barriers of time and space,
pray for us
St Martin, seeking the conversion of sinners, pray for us
St Martin, protector of the tempted and repentant, pray
for us
St Martin, helper of souls in doubt and darkness, pray
for us
St Martin, compassionate to the sorrowful and afflicted,
pray for us
St Martin, consoler of the discouraged and unfortunate,
pray for us
St Martin, peacemaker in all discords, pray for us
St Martin, touched by all suffering, pray for us
St Martin, comforter of the sick and dying, pray for us
St Martin, angel to hospitals and prisons, pray for us
St Martin, worker of miraculous cures, pray for us
St Martin, guardian of the homeless child, pray for us
St Martin, humbly hiding God-given powers, pray for us
St Martin, devoted to holy poverty, pray for us
St Martin, model of obedience, pray for us
St Martin, lover of heroic penance, pray for us
St Martin, strong in self-denial, pray for us
St Martin, performing menial tasks with holy ardour, pray
for us
St Martin, gifted with prophecy, pray for us
St Martin, symbol of interracial brotherhood, pray for us
of God, Who takes away the sins of the world, spare us, O
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us
V. Pray for us, St Martin
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ
Let us pray.
O God, the exalter of the humble, Who didst make St Martin,
Thy confessor, to enter the heavenly Kingdom, grant through
his merits and intercession that we may so follow the
example of his humility on Earth as to deserve to be exalted
with him in Heaven, through Christ Our Lord. Amen.
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