Act of Contrition
Acts of Faith, Hope & Charity, & Votive Prayer for Charity
Angelus & Regina Caeli

Divine Praises

Grace Before & After Meals
Litany of Humility

Litany of St Joseph

Litany of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus
Litany of the Most Precious Blood
Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Litany of the Saints
Morning & Evening Prayers

Novena Prayer to St Philomena

Prayer for the Conversion of Australia
Prayers & Litany to Holy Michael the Archangel

Prayers & Litany to Our Guardian Angel

Prayers & Litany to St Joseph
Prayers & Litany to the Blessed Virgin Mary
Prayers & Litany to
the Holy Ghost &
Veni Creator
Prayers & Novena for the Souls in Purgatory
Prayers & Novena to St Martin De Porres
Prayers & Novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, & Litany of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
Prayers Before & After Confession
Prayers Before Mass, Prayers Before Holy Communion, Prayers After Holy Communion & Thanksgiving After Mass

Prayers for Priests & Vocations

Prayers, Novena & Litany to St Anne
Prayers, Novenas & Litany to St Jude Thaddeus
The Prayers & Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
Various Prayers
Votive Prayers for Rain, Fine Weather & to Avert Storms
Audio Files - SSPX
Video Files - SSPX
Thoughts for the Week



O Joseph, virgin-father of Jesus, all-chaste husband of the Virgin Mary, pray every day for us to that same Jesus, the son of God, that we, clad in the armour of his grace, may fight the good fight in this world and be crowned by him in death.  Amen.

O St Joseph, Mary’s pure bridegroom, who because of thy purity and love of justice wast chosen for the foster father of Jesus Christ, do not leave me, I beseech thee, in my necessities and cares; ask for me the grace to live a just and pure life like thine, and grant, that I may obtain the happiness of dying, like thee, in the arms of Jesus and Mary.  Amen.

St Joseph, father and guardian of virgins, to whose faithful keeping Christ Jesus, innocence itself, and Mary the virgin of virgins, were entrusted, I pray and beseech thee by that twofold and most precious charge, by Jesus and Mary, to save me from all uncleanness, to keep my mind untainted, my heart pure, and my body chaste; and to help me always to serve Jesus and Mary in perfect chastity.  Amen.

O faithful Guardian and Father of virgins, Blessed Joseph, to whom was confided the care of Jesus and Mary, the Queen of Virgins, I most humbly supplicate thee, by the love Thou dost bear Jesus and Mary, to obtain for me that, being preserved from all stain during my whole life, I may be ever able to serve them with unspotted purity of mind and body.  Amen.

Happy and blessed are you, O Joseph, to whom it has been given not only to see and to hear, but also to bear in your arms, to embrace, to clothe, and to watch over God himself, whom many kings have desired to see but have not seen, and to hear but have not heard.
V.  Pray for us, O blessed Joseph
R.  That we may be worthy of the promises of Christ.


Blessed Joseph, keep us in mind, and help us with thy prayer.  Plead our cause before him who was reputed thy Son, and move also in our behalf thy most blessed virgin Bride, the Mother of him who lives and reigns with the Father and the Holy Ghost for all eternity.  Amen.


O St Joseph, whose protection is so great, so strong, so prompt before the throne of God, I place in thee all my interests and desires.

O St Joseph, assist me by thy powerful intercession and obtain for me all spiritual blessings through thy foster Son, Jesus Christ Our Lord, so that, having engaged here below thy heavenly power, I may offer thee my thanksgiving and homage.

O St Joseph, I never weary contemplating thee and Jesus asleep in thine arms.  I dare not approach while He reposes near thy heart.  Press Him in my name and kiss His fine head for me, and ask Him to return the kiss, when I draw my dying breath.

St Joseph, patron on departing souls, pray for me.   Amen.

(Often recited after the Rosary.)

To Thee, O Blessed Joseph, we have recourse in our tribulations and while imploring the aid of Thy Most Holy Spouse, we confidently invoke Thy patronage also.  By that love which united Thee to the Immaculate Virgin Mother of God, and by the fatherly affection with which Thou didst embrace the Infant Jesus, we humbly beseech Thee graciously to regard the inheritance which Jesus Christ purchased by His Blood; and to help us in our necessities by Thy powerful intercession.

Protect, O most provident guardian of the Holy Family, the chosen children of Jesus Christ; ward off from us, O most loving Father all taint of error and corruption; graciously assist us from Heaven, O most powerful protector in our struggle with the powers of darkness; and as Thou didst once rescue the Child Jesus from imminent peril to His life, so now defend the Holy Church of God from the snares of her enemies and from all adversity.

Shield each one of us with Thine unceasing patronage, that imitating Thine example and supported by Thine aid, we may be enabled to live a good life, die a holy death, and secure everlasting happiness in Heaven.   Amen.


Glorious St Joseph, pattern of all toilers, obtain for me the grace to labour in a spirit of penance, in order thereby to atone for my many sins; to work conscientiously, putting devotion to duty before my own inclinations; to labour with thankfulness and joy, deeming it an honour to employ and to develop, by my labour, the gifts I have received from Almighty God; to work in peace, order, moderation, and patience, never shrinking from weariness and difficulties; to work above all with a pure intention and detachment from self, having always in mind the hour of death and the account which I must then render of time ill-spent, of talents unemployed, of good undone, and of my empty pride in success, which is so fatal to the work of God.  All for Jesus, all through Mary, all in imitation of thee, Joseph, great Father!  This shall be my rule in life and in death.  Amen.


Remember, O most pure spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary, my sweet protector, St Joseph, that no one ever had recourse to thy protection or implored thy aid without obtaining relief.  Confiding therefore in thy goodness, I come before thee, and humbly supplicate thee.  Oh, despise not my petitions, foster-father of the Redeemer, but graciously receive them.  Amen.


O St Joseph, obtain for us to live a sinless life, and keep us always under thy patronage.


Great Patriarch St Joseph, by that solicitude full of love, with which thou didst take care of Jesus and Mary in this life, deign to watch over our existence here below until our last breath.
(Father Vallet)


Lord have mercy on us
Christ have mercy on us
Lord have mercy on us
Christ hear us
Christ graciously hear us
God the Father of Heaven;  have mercy on us
God the Son, Redeemer of the world;  have mercy on us
God the Holy Ghost;  have mercy on us
Holy Trinity One God;  have mercy on us

Holy Mary, pray for us
St Joseph, pray for us
Noble scion of David, pray for us
Light of Patriarchs, pray for us
Spouse of the Mother of God, pray for us
Chaste guardian of the Virgin, pray for us
Foster father of the Son of God, pray for us
Diligent protector of Christ, pray for us
Head of the Holy Family, pray for us
Joseph most just, pray for us
Joseph most chaste, pray for us
Joseph most prudent, pray for us
Joseph most valiant, pray for us
Joseph most obedient, pray for us
Joseph most faithful, pray for us
Mirror of patience, pray for us
Lover of poverty, pray for us
Model of workers, pray for us
Glory of home-life, pray for us
Guardian of virgins, pray for us
Mainstay of families, pray for us
Solace of the afflicted, pray for us
Hope of the sick, pray for us
Patron of the dying, pray for us
Terror of demons, pray for us
Protector of Holy Church, pray for us

Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world;  spare us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world;  graciously hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God, Who takes away the sins of the world;  have mercy on us

V.  He hath made him master of His house
R.  And prince of all His possessions

Let us pray.  O God, Who in Thine ineffable providence didst deign to choose blessed Joseph to be the spouse of Thy most Holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may merit to have him for our intercessor in Heaven, whom on earth we venerate as our protector; Who livest and reignest, world without end.  Amen.

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