1. |
The Priest goes to the Altar -
Christ goes to Mt. Olivet and begins to pray. |
2. |
The Priest says the Confiteor -
Christ falls down and sweats blood. |
3. |
The Priest goes up and kisses
the Altar - Christ is betrayed by Judas with a kiss. |
4. |
The Priest goes to the Epistle
side - Christ is captured, bound, and taken to Annas. |
5. |
The Priest reads the Introit -
Christ is falsely accused by Annas and blasphemed. |
6. |
The Priest says the Kyrie
eleison - Christ is brought to Caiaphas and there
three times denied by Peter. |
7. |
The Priest says the Dominus
vobiscum - Christ looks at Peter and converts him. |
8. |
The Priest reads the Epistle -
Christ is brought to Pilate. |
9. |
The Priest says the Munda cor
meum at the middle of the Altar - Christ is taken to
Herod and mocked. |
10. |
The Priest reads the Gospel -
Christ is taken back to Pilate and again mocked. |
11. |
The Priest uncovers the Chalice
and offers bread and wine - Christ is shamefully
exposed and cruelly scourged. |
12. |
The Priest covers the Chalice
and washes his hands - Christ is crowned with thorns
and declared innocent by Pilate. |
13. |
The Priest says the Orate
Fratres - Pilate declares "Behold the man". Christ
is then mocked and spat upon. |
14. |
The Priest says the Preface and
the Sanctus - Christ is preferred instead of
Barabbas and condemned to crucifixion. |
15. |
The Priest makes the Memento
for the Living - Christ carries the cross to Mt.
Calvary. |
16. |
The Priest continues to pray
the Canon in a low voice - Christ meets His Mother
and the other pious women. |
17. |
The Priest blesses the bread
and wine with the Sign of the Cross - Christ is
nailed to the Cross. |
18. |
The Priest elevates the sacred
Host and Chalice - Christ is raised on the Cross and
sheds His blood. |
19. |
The Priest prays in a low voice
- Christ sees His afflicted Mother at the Cross. |
20. |
The Priest says Nobis queque
peccatoribus and the Pater Noster - Christ crucified
prays for us and says His seven last words. |
21. |
The Priest breaks the Host and
places a small part in the chalice - Christ dies and
descends into Limbo. |
22. |
The Priest says the Agnus Dei -
Christ is acknowledged on the Cross as the Son of
God by many bystanders. |
23. |
The Priest administers Holy
Communion - Christ is laid in the tomb. |
24. |
The Priest cleanses the Chalice
and prepares it again - Christ is anointed by pious
women and later rises. |
25. |
The Priest prepares the Chalice
again - Christ rises from the dead. |
26. |
The Priest says the Dominus
vobiscum - Christ appears to His Mother and the
disciples. |
27. |
The Priest says the last
prayers - Christ teaches for forty days. |
28. |
The Priest says the last
Dominus vobiscum - Christ takes leave of His
disciples and ascends to Heaven. |
29. |
The Priest gives the
Benediction to the people - Christ sends down the
Holy Ghost. |
30. |
The Priest says the Ita Missa
est and the last Gospel - Christ sends the Apostles
into all parts of the world to preach the Gospel. |