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Thoughts for the Week


Fourth Sunday of Lent (Laetare Sunday)

Thoughts for the Week - Fr. R. Taouk 
6th March 2016

 Signs Of Our Disordered Attachment To Our Own Judgment
by Fr. Anselm Longpre

"A fool shall be filled with his own ways, and the good man shall be above him"  Proverbs

1. Desire of the esteem of men, complacency in praise.
2. Attachment to your ideas, your manner of considering things, your manner of acting.
3. Stubbornness, obstinacy in defending one's point of view.
4. The spirit of independence by which I do as I please, despising the counsel of others, avoiding obedience.
5. Impatience and anger when opposed.
6. Presumption of rashness.
7. Touchiness, that is unable to put up with any remarks.
8. Arrogance which makes one sharp tongued.
9. Ostentation, affectation, which causes one to show off his knowledge, his relations, his influence.
10. Disobedience to superiors and little respect towards them.
11. The habit of criticizing everything, judging everything, condemning everything.
12. Intellectual laziness; one thinks it is not necessary for him to study.
13. Love of novelty, flights of enthusiasm for things new.

How to Fight Against Attachment to One's Own Judgment

1. Distrust yourself, your thoughts, your judgments and your ideas. Often take counsel and accept with joy those which are given to you.
2. Live your life in obedience to a superior. Submit yourself in heart and in spirit to the Church and to the duly constituted authorities (as long as they do not command what is sinful).

Combat the signs mentioned above by their contrary:

Desire of esteem by desire of contempt. Attachment to your own ideas, by considering the well-founded ideas of others. Stubbornness by open-mindedness. The spirit of independence by the spirit of submission. Impatience by patience when opposed knowing that God's will is in this opposition. Rashness by the prudent seeking of advice. Touchiness by humble acceptance of remarks. Arrogance by humble speech and a humble tone of voice. Ostentation by learning to silence what need not be said. Disobedience by obedience and respect for superiors. A habit of criticism by the habit of speaking well of others and their enterprises. Love of novelty by a return to Tradition and age-old truth.