The Feast of Christ
the King
Thoughts for the Week - Fr. R. Taouk
25th October 2015
The Church and the Kingship of Christ
by Fr. Denis Fahey C.S.Sp.
The Church has
not received purely temporal Royalty from her Divine
Founder, so it is here question of Spiritual Kingship
only. But the Spiritual Kingship of Our Lord could not
be exercised in an efficacious manner without a visible,
permanent intermediary, capable of giving to souls at
all times and in all places the directions needed for
the safeguard and diffusion of the Divine Life. This
mission has been confided only to the Catholic Church.
Accordingly, in order to form an adequate idea of the
Spiritual Kingship of Christ, we must consider its
radiation down the centuries in the Church and through
the Church in the world. The Pope and the Bishops are
the representatives of Christ, the lieutenants of His
Spiritual Royalty. They have the charge of holding up
before the world the supernatural ideal of life to be
lived by all men and laying down the laws and precepts
to be observed, in order that that life may not be lost:
to them it belongs to regulate the distribution of all
the means confided to the Church by Our Lord for the
development of the Divine Life, to establish fitting
sanctions for all offences that jeopardise the interests
of that life, and, finally, to carry on the struggle
against the powers of evil by every form of missionary
effort, following the example of Christ.
When the Church
governs in the name of Christ she is truly a proper and
principal, though subordinate, cause of her government.
Thus, as Spouse of Christ and True Regent of souls on
earth, she has the right that we should recognise her
authority and should bow down before her. When, on the
other hand, through her Priesthood and the Sacraments,
she communicates grace to us, she is in this, only the
instrument used by Christ to vivify our souls. It must,
however, be remembered at once that, since the Sacred
Humanity of Christ is immediately united to the Word,
His Royalty and His Priesthood receive thereby a
fullness, a universality and a perfection which can be
participated in by the Church only in a limited fashion.
Christ commands by His own authority, for all things are
subject to Him. The Rulers of the Church have only the
authority communicated to them by Christ.
The influence,
then, which Christ exercises on the world, by His
Priesthood and His Kingship, surpasses in extent and
compass, even here below, the influence of the visible
Church. All men, St. Thomas teaches, belong to Christ,
even though they be heretics or pagans, and on them
Christ can act in an invisible manner, by providing them
with the help they need, in order to be converted, by
even raising them to the Divine Life, if their
invincible ignorance keeps them outside the one True
Church. The Church always remains the centre from which
the Divine Life, which is found in its fullness in
Christ, radiates throughout the world. By right the
Church is universal and her influence here below ever
seeks to be co-extensive with that of her Divine Head
and Founder. Men are subject to the Priesthood and
Kingship of Christ while yet outside the Church, but in
order to reap the full benefit, for the spiritual life,
of this subjection to Our Lord, one must be fully
incorporated into Christ, in accordance with the order
He Himself has established. One must be a child of the
Church, to which He has confided the infinite riches of
the Redemption.