Trinity Sunday
Thoughts for the Week - Fr. R. Taouk
15th June 2014
There is only One God, but He has revealed to us the
richness of His inner Life: He is existentially One and
relationally Three. God is One but His Divinity is Possessed
threefold. This we called the Mystery of the Blessed
Trinity. All mysteries of our faith flow from this one; it
is the source of them all.
God, Father and Son, as One Principle, communicates His own
infinite nature to a Third Person, in an outpouring, a
breathing forth of the love which He has of Himself. This is
the mutual Love of the Father and Son. The Fathers of the
Church even referred to this Person as the osculum divinum,
the Divine Kiss, because He is the expression of Divine
Love. "Breathed forth," He is Spirit, the Gift of gifts,
Love Divine, substantial, and personal.
God alone knows Himself. He alone can declare this Personal
Life to us. Without revelation we would never have been able
to discover the inner life of the divinity. We could only
know Him otherwise by reason. By this natural knowledge we
know Him only as One and not in the full richness of His
personal depth. It is God as trinity that comes to live in
us and sanctify us into this Reality. This is called by the
Church the Divine Indwelling; it is the Divine Life shared
with each human being in the state of grace. Indeed, it is
the most profound meaning of the term: state of grace. More
than simply the absence of sin, it is the participation in
God Himself.
This presence within the just soul means that a new relation
is created within us, a new relation between God and each
sanctified creature. The change is in the creature, not in
God. The divine indwelling places a seal on the soul,
imprinting the power of the divine Persons.
Each Person of the Trinity is Perfect and Substantial
Selflessness. Christian sanctification, which is to make us
godlike, therefore develops within us, by charity, a
continuing selflessness. The more that we are sanctified,
the more selfless we shall necessarily become.
May God grant us all His grace, transform us in perfect
charitable selflessness, and bring us all finally into the
blessed vision of His Glory.